St Margaret's CofE Primary School, Whiteway Lane, Rottingdean, Brighton, BN2 7HB

01273 303109

St Margaret's CE Primary School

Grace, Strength, Love


This term our topic is ‘I wonder what makes me special’.

In this topic we will be reading lots of lovely stories such as A great big cuddle, The colour monster and Stanley's Stick. We will be focusing on all about me in Autumn 1 sharing with each other about ourselves and families, creating self portraits and pictures of our families. We will develop and expand our vocabulary around feelings and our senses as well as become more aware of our bodies.

In Autumn 2 we will focus on celebrations, exploring the festival of lights. We will share stories around Christmas and Diwali. As well as look at the changes in seasons and weather. 




PE will be with Mrs Avey on a Monday. Forest school/outside PE will be on a Friday. 

Please ensure that children come into school on these days wearing school PE kit: shorts or tracksuit bottoms (depending on the weather), trainers, school jumper or fleece. 



In Reception, homework is shared with parents and children through Tapestry. To support phonics learning, activities will be uploaded daily (or for each new sound learnt) through the planned activities tab on Tapestry. The activities shared through Tapestry are a chance for the children to reinforce concepts already taught at school and is there to help the children become fluent in recalling and applying their knowledge. A daily phonics sheet will also be sent home for every new sound learnt to enable children to practice letter formation, and this should be returned to school daily.

Throughout the year, further activities related to other areas of the curriculum may be shared through Tapestry, to support children's learning and give them the opportunity to practice at home and discuss their learning with their parents. 


A 10-15 minute read every day will help build fluency and reinforce the daily reading at school. Over the course of the week it is great to read material from a range of sources, including:

  • Library books (changed on Fridays)
  • Phonics book bag books (these need returning in line with the dates on the Fred Frog bookmarks)
  • The children's own books at home
  • Please send in the yellow reading records in to school each day.



 EYFS Curriculum Map 2021-22.pdfDownload
 Meet the new teacher rec class 2024.pdfDownload
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