- For children to produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.
- To support children in becoming proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
- To develop skills that allow children to evaluate and analyse work using appropriate language.
- To gain knowledge about great artists, craft-makers and designers and the impact of their art forms.
Generating ideas
Using sketchbooks
Making skills, including formal elements (line, shape, tone, texture, pattern, colour)
Knowledge of artists
Evaluating and analysing
Painting and mixed-media
Sculpture and 3D
Craft and design
Regularly teaching art. There will be an art topic at least once a term and ensure children have the opportunities given to master artistic techniques and skills as outlined above. Children will come across these at least once in each phase of the school (e.g. across Year 1 and 2). They will then revisit these skills as they progress through their time at our school to build on their previous learning. Teaching, as a result, is predominantly through a skill-based curriculum.
- Teaching the key skills of drawing and painting in every year group.
Where possible, we link art closely to our topics to ensure relevance and context.
We fully scaffold and support essential and age appropriate, sequenced learning, and are flexible with our teaching so that it can support cross-curricular links
- Every child will have the opportunity to have art exhibited in a local art gallery The Grange during their time here.
Introducing the children to artists and art movements directly linked to the skills and topics they are covering.
Creativity and independent outcomes are robustly embedded, supporting students in learning how to make their own creative choices and decisions, so that their art outcomes, whilst still being knowledge-rich, are unique to the pupil and personal.
Lessons are practical in nature and encourage experimental and exploratory learning with pupils using sketchbooks to document their ideas. Utilising a sketchbook approach, allows the children feel safe to experiment and take risks when being creative.
- Encouraging children to share and evaluate their art and design work with peers and adults.
Celebrating effort, progress and achievement in art through displays around the school as well as additional enrichment activities (e.g. The Grange Art Gallery, Same Sky Children’s Parade, Snail Trail/Shaun the Sheep sculptures for Macmillan).