Uniform policy
The school has high standards of uniform which children are expected to wear and it is the responsibility of parents to ensure that children come to school properly dressed. We believe that the wearing of school uniform promotes a sense of pride in the school and helps to establish a strong united school community. In addition, research shows that the wearing of school uniform helps children to feel equal to their peers, and reduces prejudice against those less fortunate. Our school uniform is designed so that it is smart, yet practical at the same time, and so that it is suitable for regular wear in school.
We ask all parents and carers to support our school’s uniform policy and thank the vast majority of you that do. Please do ensure you label all your children’s uniforms to ensure they can be returned if lost. I am aware from speaking to some parents recently that our current uniform providers are taking a long time to make deliveries and are now charging for deliveries, so I will be speaking to them over the coming weeks about what we can do to improve the purchasing of St.Margaret’s school uniform for parents, to ease the process. I have outlined below our school uniform policy just for your information / reminder to all.
In winter the children should wear:
White shirt or white polo shirt
Black or grey trousers (not jeans)
Black or grey pinafore or skirt
Bottle green school jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt
Grey or black socks and tights
Smart black shoes or plain black trainers should be worn (no multicoloured trainers, Ugg boots, knee high boots or heels please)
Alternatively for the summer the children may wear:
Green or gold ‘gingham’ or striped summer dress
Black or grey shorts
White socks or tights
Sandals may be worn but open toes or ‘jelly’ shoes are not allowed
PE clothing:
Yellow T-shirt or polo shirt
Green shorts
Plimsolls (slip on or Velcro for reception please) are required for indoor PE and KS1 outdoor PE
KS2 children will require trainers or plimsolls for outside PE
Named PE bag
Plain dark coloured tracksuits may be worn in colder weather
Other reminders:
Hair colour and style must be appropriate for school (not shaved off). Long hair should be tied back.
Children are not allowed to wear jewellery, except for watches and small stud earrings which must be removed before PE.
Uniform items can be purchased online from www.pbparentsonline.co.uk/stmargarets. We do also have some second hand uniform available from the school office – just pop in to see them.
Your continued support with our school uniform policy is very much appreciated.
School uniform ordering system
- To make it easier to buy the school uniform, we have chosen to use the Parents Online ordering service from Price & Buckland. With immediate effect you can order the school uniform by going to directly to https://price-buckland.co.uk/st-margaret-primary-school-brighton.
- The above web address needs to be entered into the browser address bar, not a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. You will need to register and create your own username and password and then you are ready to order. To avoid ordering the incorrect size and then having to pay for the return post, we strongly recommend pupils try on samples of the uniform to determine the correct size required. Samples are now available at school.
- Delivery to your home is made within 5 working days for a charge of just £2.50. If you do not have access to a computer, you can pick up an order form from the school office and order by post paying by credit or debit card. Many thanks for your continued support of our school uniform policy.