St Margaret's CofE Primary School, Whiteway Lane, Rottingdean, Brighton, BN2 7HB

01273 303109

St Margaret's CE Primary School

Grace, Strength, Love


Curriculum statement of intent

Maths is an integral life skill. 

We are committed to ensuring that children are able to recognise the importance of Maths in the wider world and that they are also able to use their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in their lives in a range of different contexts. We want all children to enjoy Mathematics and to experience success in the subject, with the ability to reason mathematically. We are committed to developing children’s curiosity about the subject, as well as an appreciation of the beauty and power of Mathematics.



The National Curriculum for Maths is divided into  several main areas.  These include number and place value calculations, measures,  shape and statistics.  Links between the different areas are made and drawn out. For instance, fractions will be taught under number and calculation but will be used with measures, shape and statistics.

Children are expected to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving.  

Maths is taught every day using a Maths Mastery approach.  The scheme of work that we use for this is White Rose Maths.  Maths also used in other subject areas, particularly science and humanities.  All objectives are taught first through using concrete apparatus.  This may include equipment such as multilink, numicom, tens frames etc., which allow children to see and understand Maths in an every day context.  We then use visual pictures and cues such as arrays to help the children move to a more abstract understanding.  At all stages, children are encouraged to explain their thinking using mathematical terms and to apply new knowledge in different contexts.  Children may work at times in mixed ability pairs or in single ability groups to support their learning.

Children with additional needs are supported by programmes such as Plus One or Catch up.

All key stage 2 children are set homework to practice their times tables and this is supported by online times tables games. Key stage 1 children are encouraged to practice number bonds and using maths in every day situations such as cooking

Mathematics curriculum Years 1-6 (weblink)

KS2 maths tutorials (weblink)

KS1 maths tutorials (weblink)

Maths Policies

 Maths - Calculation Policy.pdfDownload
 Maths - Overview.pdfDownload
 Maths - Progression of Skills.pdfDownload
 Multiplication and Division calculation policy July 2022.pdfDownload
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Enrichment activities to support maths learning at home

In maths, parents can help children succeed by helping children to practice concepts learnt at school to achieve fluency and ease.    Parent's can also provide practical opportunities to apply maths such as adding and subtracting money in terms of "What can I afford with my pocket money?"  learning to weigh and measure capacity in cookery, learning to tell the time on analogue and digital clocks and use calendars and timetables.


On this page are some websites which can help your child achieve fluency by practicing basic skills.  Particularly important are:

  1. recognising place value
  2. adding to and subtracting from 10, 20 and 100
  3. learning to multiply and divide with times tables.
  4. learning fractions and decimals


In the first list, the games are in order of difficulty and there is some overlap between key stage 1 and 2 games.


Below the games is are short guides for parents  on helping your child with basic skills.

Further on down the page you will find tutorial videos. These are designed to help you understand what your child is learning, rather than to be used directly by your child.

These games are a fun and quick way to practice essential maths skills for all ages.

Click on the weblink to go to the game

Daily 10

Number games for years R- 2

counting games for reception and year 1

adding and subtracting yr 1 and 2

multiplication and division key stage 1

Money key stage 1

shape ks 1

Problem solving ks 1

Number bonds to 10

Number bonds to 100

recognising and sequencing larger numbers ks 2

adding and subtracting ks 2

Multiplication and division key stage 2

Fractions and decimals key stage 2

shape, position and movement ks 2

problem solving key stage 2

Telling the time 

Time games


speeding up your calculations all ages



Parent guide to learning times tables

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But how do they learn that  at school?

What resources do we use to teach Maths at St Margaret's? 


Supporting children with additional needs with their maths learning

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