St Margaret's CofE Primary School, Whiteway Lane, Rottingdean, Brighton, BN2 7HB

01273 303109

St Margaret's CE Primary School

Grace, Strength, Love


This term our topic is 'Dinosaurs and Minibeasts'. Our learning this term revolves around animals as we explore the wonderful world of minibeasts in science and geography. After creating our incredibly informative dinosaur reports last term, we venture into narrative writing this term inspired by a wide range of contemporary texts. 



The children will do PE outdoors on a Wednesday and indoors on a Friday. Please ensure that the children come into school on these days wearing their school PE kit: shorts or tracksuit bottoms (depending on the weather), trainers, school jumper or fleece.




Reading – A 10-15 minute read every day will help build fluency and reinforce the daily reading at school.
Over the course of the week it is great to read material from a range of sources, including:

  • Library books (changed on Mondays)
  • Phonics book bag books (these need returning in line with the dates on the Fred Frog bookmarks)
  • The children's own books at home 

Please send in the yellow reading records to school each day.


 YEAR 1 CURRICULUM MAP 2024 - 2025.pdfDownload
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